Rock Island Arsenal-Joint Manufacturing and Technology Center

Achieving Excellence: The Path to AS 9100

Welcome to our dedicated page chronicling RIA-JMTC's pursuit of AS9100 certification, a prestigious quality management standard in the aerospace industry. Here, you'll find all our articles and updates about this significant endeavor.

RIA-JMTC prepares to seek aerospace certifications after recent quality assurance victories

As the U.S. Army continuously transforms to become a more adaptable, flexible, and lethal force, civilians like Terry Hirst at Rock Island Arsenal-Joint Manufacturing and Technology Center are making a difference by delivering high-quality, on-time readiness solutions for the Warfighter while modernizing for the next fight.


“There’s no glory in prevention,” said Hirst, a division chief for quality assurance, engineering, quality planning, and audit division at RIA-JMTC. “But you will find, in terms of managing the business and keeping your promise to your customer, it’s essential.”


After years of moving between the private sector and public service, Hirst was brought onto the RIA-JMTC team around 2019 during the production of hundreds of military ambulances for the Army, National Guard, and Reserves. When he arrived, production was often delayed because of significant defects on each unit produced.


“A lot of these were defects that should have been identified in control,” Hirst said. “Everybody was trying to do the right thing, but there was a lot of opinions. Everything being done was based on what people thought, so there wasn’t any real organization to collecting data, analyzing the data, and making decisions based on data. So, one of the first things I did was start collecting data.”


Hirst used the new information to track the different types of errors, where they were located on the vehicle and classified them into 15 different categories. He and his team then broke down the reports to very specific information on what was causing the issues so they could take the appropriate action to fix it.


“We created a quality feedback loop, which is a communication mechanism where we could take the defect back to its origin and have the discussion with the people doing the work,” Hirst said. “(That way), they understood what the defect was and what effect it had on the rest of the process. In some cases, it may have been they needed a better tool, they just didn’t understand what the requirement was or they didn’t have the proper training. Whatever the problem was, we fixed it.”


By the end of the program, close to 4,000 ambulances came off the RIA-JMTC factory floor before the orders were fulfilled in 2021. Hirst estimates a single ambulance could have had up to 180 defects when he arrived. After the new quality assurance process was put into place, there were about four defects per vehicle. At the end of the program, RIA-JMTC produced about 1,000 units without a single defect.


“So, the result of that was a lot of reduction in overtime and schedule delays,” Hirst said. “In a standard work week at the end of the program, we were producing more units than we ever have before and that was just getting the quality under control.”


For all his efforts for the ambulance program, Hirst was awarded the 2020 Defense Acquisition Workforce Individual Achievement Award. It recognized individual accomplishments that advance the National Defense Strategy and support the Secretary of Defense’s priorities through excellence in acquisition.


“Hirst demonstrates exceptional leadership in all aspects of production, quality, and manufacturing including expert knowledge of quality assurance disciplines in support of the Army's M997A3 Ambulance Co-Production effort under a Public Private Partnership with AM General and RIA-JMTC,” retired RIA-JMTC Commander Col. Martin J. Hendrix III wrote in a 2021 memorandum. “The M997A3 Ambulance impacts Army Readiness, Homeland Security and natural disaster relief missions by providing increased medical support during domestic disasters.”


Shortly after the last ambulance rolled off the assembly line, Hirst was tasked with overseeing the rollout of the Next Generation Shop, Equipment, Contact, and Maintenance Vehicle program. The program launched with some planned delays to assure the quality was in place before full-production could begin. Now, hundreds of vehicles have rolled off the assembly line with few errors found in each unit.


“Under Hirst’s diligent leadership, the NG SECM program has seen unparalleled success at our factory,” RIA-JMTC Chief of Staff Bryan Gripp said. “His commitment to excellence and approach have been instrumental in ensuring a strong start and setting the foundation for future achievements.”


Hirst is once again at the forefront, leading the charge for RIA-JMTC as the factory seeks AS9100 certification. The credential defines the design and manufacturing standard aerospace products require including parts, components, and assemblies. Hirst’s experience and proven track record of improving quality assurance processes are crucial as the factory aims to meet the new rigorous standards.


“The AS9100 certification is a significant milestone for our facility and our future in the aerospace industry,” said RIA-JMTC Commander Col. David Guida. “Hirst's leadership and expertise are vital to this effort. We are confident that with his guidance, we will achieve this certification and continue to provide high-quality and on-time readiness solutions.”


Guida added, “Hirst has shown time and again that he has the vision and dedication needed to drive our organization forward. His work on the ambulance program and the NG SECM project has laid a strong foundation for our future success, and I have no doubt he will do the same with AS9100.”

RIA-JMTC’s journey to AS 9100 Certification: transforming logistics for excellence

In a major step towards enhancing its operational standards and efficiency, the Rock Island Arsenal-Joint Manufacturing and Technology Center is seeking an AS 9100 certification.

The certification is an internationally recognized Quality Management System standard for the aerospace industry and will elevate all of RIA-JMTC’s processes. By adopting this rigorous standard, the RIA-JMTC aims to systematically identify, assess and mitigate risks throughout the entire supply chain—from requisition to delivery to the greatest customer on earth, our nation’s warfighters. This comprehensive approach will not only reduce errors but also streamline operations, ensuring that every step is executed with precision and care.

“Achieving AS 9100 certification is a testament to our commitment to delivering high-quality, on-time readiness solutions,” Col. David Guida, RIA-JMTC commander said. “It signifies our dedication to continuously improve our business processes and deliver the high quality and on time readiness. This certification will undoubtedly improve our efficiency, reduce errors, and lead to increased workload for RIA-JMTC.”

Specific to the logistics directorate, a key component of the AS 9100 certification process involves the regular monitoring and measurement of supplier performance. This practice will enable RIA-JMTC to build robust relationships with its suppliers, fostering a collaborative environment that promotes high-performance and excellence. By developing a supplier scorecard, the center can engage with top-performing suppliers, reduce costs, and streamline supply operations.

“The supplier scorecard will be a game-changer for us,” Shappell said. “It will provide a clear and objective way to evaluate our suppliers, ensuring that we work with those who consistently deliver high-quality products and services. This will not only reduce costs but also enhance our overall supply chain efficiency.”

With AS 9100 certification, RIA-JMTC is poised to expand its customer base and increase its workload. This growth will open the door to employing more workers from the local population, thereby boosting community revenue and driving economic growth. Moreover, the certification will ensure that the center consistently delivers high-quality products on-time, further strengthening its reputation in the industry. As a natural result JMTC will be better positioned to answer our nation’s call.

“Achieving AS 9100 certification will have far-reaching benefits for our community,” Bryan Gripp, RIA-JMTC Chief of Staff and acting director of Quality Assurance said. “By increasing our workload and employing more local workers, we are contributing to the economic vitality of the region. Additionally, the certification will help us attract new customers, ensuring that we continue to grow and thrive.”

The journey to AS 9100 certification underscores RIA-JMTC’s unwavering commitment to quality and efficiency. The logistics directorate is at the forefront of this transformation, diligently working to implement the necessary changes and improvements. This effort is not just about meeting a standard; it is about creating a culture of excellence that permeates every aspect of the center’s operations.

“The AS 9100 certification is just the beginning,” John Shappell, RIA-JMTC logistics director said.  “It lays the foundation for us to build a more efficient, effective and resilient logistics operation. I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead and confident in our team’s ability to deliver exceptional results.”

 “This certification process is more than a milestone; it is a reflection of our dedication to continuous improvement,” Guida said. “All of our directorates have demonstrated remarkable leadership in driving these changes, and I am confident that we will emerge stronger and more efficient as a result.”

As RIA-JMTC continues its pursuit of AS 9100 certification, the factory is well-positioned to achieve new heights of operational excellence. The logistics directorate’s proactive approach to risk management, supplier performance, and quality assurance will set a new standard for the industry. With a larger customer base, increased workforce, and a steadfast commitment to quality, RIA-JMTC is poised for a bright and prosperous future.

“Our commitment to AS 9100 certification reflects our dedication to excellence,” Gripp said. “By continuously improving our processes and systems, we are ensuring that RIA-JMTC remains at the forefront of the industry. This journey is not just about achieving a certification; it is about building a legacy of quality and innovation.”

AS9100 Certification to transform Resource Management at RIA-JMTC

The Rock Island Arsenal-Joint Manufacturing and Technology Center is on track to achieve AS9100 certification by June 2025, a crucial quality management standard for the aerospace industry that enhances operational efficiency and product quality. This certification reinforces RIA-JMTC’s commitment to delivering high-quality, on-time products while modernizing for future challenges.

“Our pursuit of AS9100 certification is about more than meeting a standard; it’s about embedding a culture of excellence within our organization,” said Col. David Guida, RIA-JMTC commander. “This certification will drive us to continually improve and adapt, ensuring we remain at the forefront of military manufacturing.”

AS9100 certification significantly impacts the Resource Management Directorate at RIA-JMTC, including business development, project estimating, budgeting, accounting, capacity planning and project cost execution management. Certification enhances JMTC’s credibility and attracts more business opportunities by assuring potential customers of the center's commitment to quality and reliability. This reduces the risk of cost overruns and project delays, fostering better customer relationships.

“AS9100 certification is a testament to our dedication to maintaining the highest standards of quality,” said Kevin Stevens, director of Resource Management at the factory. “It opens new doors for RIA-JMTC, strengthening our reputation and expanding our business horizons. The standard requires detailed documentation and process control, leading to more accurate project estimations.”

The emphasis on process efficiency and waste reduction helps RIA-JMTC optimize budget allocation and improve financial management, with enhanced transparency and accountability in financial practices as additional benefits.

“AS9100’s focus on planning and risk management allows RIA-JMTC to better forecast and manage production capacity, ensuring the center can meet current demands while remaining flexible enough to adapt to future requirements,” Stevens said. “Improved process control and quality management result in more efficient project execution. By minimizing rework and defects, JMTC can better manage project costs and ensure effective use of financial resources.”

AS9100 certification will pave the way for sustained growth in manufacturing workload over the next 20 to 40 years. By ensuring high standards of quality, efficiency and innovation, the certification positions JMTC to consistently meet the evolving demands of the defense sector.

“This commitment to excellence will enhance operational readiness and drive long-term success, securing RIA-JMTC's role as a pivotal player in the future of military manufacturing and technology,” Stevens said. “The road to AS9100 certification is challenging, but with the dedication and hard work of the RIA-JMTC team, it is an achievable goal that will bring substantial benefits to the organization and the wider defense community.”

RIA-JMTC sets its sight on aerospace: AS9100 Certification paves the way for modernization and new opportunities

Rock Island Arsenal-Joint Manufacturing and Technology Center is taking bold steps to move beyond its legacy of producing ground system components by moving forward with a significant effort to achieve AS9100 certification. 

“Achieving AS9100 positions us to take on new challenges while maintaining our core mission of supporting the Army and our Department of Defense allies,” said Terry Hirst, quality engineering & planning division chief who’s overseeing RIA-JMTC’s AS9100 initiative. “This certification isn’t just a milestone for the factory—it’s an opportunity to show how we can modernize and adapt to new markets.”

This critical quality management standard for the aerospace industry will allow RIA-JMTC to expand its capabilities, adding to its long-standing role of producing high-quality, on-time readiness solutions for the Warfighter. The path to AS9100 certification, however, requires more than just operational changes; it demands the integration of advanced IT systems and infrastructure upgrades that will modernize the factory and enhance its ability to meet aerospace standards.

“We’re designing IT solutions to handle the complexities of AS9100,” said Susan Frembgen, RIA-JMTC’s director of the infrastructure directorate. “We’re creating a system that ensures the most up-to-date information is always available, which is crucial for maintaining the accuracy and consistency that aerospace production demands.”

Central to the certification process is the role of IT systems in document and data control. AS9100 requires precise management of procedures, work instructions and records to ensure compliance with its strict quality standards. RIA-JMTC’s IT systems are being leveraged to manage and control these documents, providing real-time access to current versions and reducing the risk of errors.

RIA-JMTC is also upgrading its broader IT infrastructure in parallel with the certification effort. The factory is developing a modernized Industrial Control Network, which will enhance automation in production control and process management. These upgrades aim to not only support AS9100 compliance but also improve efficiency across the factory.

“The ICN is a game-changer for us,” Frembgen said. “It’s going to automate a lot of the repetitive tasks and help us focus on higher-level production goals, aligning us perfectly with the requirements of the aerospace industry.”

One of the most critical components of the IT modernization is process mapping and automation. As part of a collaboration with Manufacturing x Digital, RIA-JMTC has been piloting several advanced digital manufacturing solutions, including CNC machine health data collection and real-time machine connectivity. These technologies will streamline manufacturing processes, reduce errors, and increase production efficiency.

“We’re not just looking at meeting the minimum standards for AS9100,” Hirst said. “We’re using this as an opportunity to overhaul how we approach manufacturing altogether. These IT solutions allow us to improve our processes, not just for AS9100 but for everything we do.”

Risk management is another area where IT systems are proving invaluable. AS9100 emphasizes the need for organizations to identify and mitigate risks associated with production and operations. Securing knowledge and data has become more critical as technology evolves, and RIA-JMTC’s IT team is focused on ensuring that vital information is captured, stored and shared securely.

“Risk management is a core part of AS9100,” Frembgen noted. “We’ve invested in systems that safeguard our data and ensure that institutional knowledge is preserved. This reduces the chance of costly mistakes and keeps our operations running smoothly.”

The leadership at RIA-JMTC recognizes the broader implications of achieving AS9100 certification, not only for the factory but for the entire DoD supply chain.

“AS9100 certification is a critical step in aligning RIA-JMTC with the future needs of the Army and DoD,” said Col. David Guida, RIA-JMTC’s commander. “It opens the door for us to expand into aerospace, but more importantly, it demonstrates our commitment to delivering high-quality and on-time readiness for our Warfighters. We’re not just supporting ground systems anymore—we’re positioning ourselves to contribute to the broader defense and aerospace landscape.”

Looking ahead, RIA-JMTC’s advancements in IT and infrastructure will play a crucial role in achieving AS9100 certification by June 2025. The Machine Status Dashboard, which tracks real-time machine performance, is just one example of the factory’s commitment to integrating cutting-edge technology. The improvements in machine connectivity, quality inspection, and process automation will all contribute to meeting the rigorous standards required for aerospace manufacturing.

“This is about more than just passing a certification audit,” Hirst said. “It’s about positioning RIA-JMTC for the future, ensuring that we’re ready to take on the challenges of tomorrow’s manufacturing landscape.”

As RIA-JMTC advances toward its certification goal, the factory’s leadership is confident that these upgrades will not only open new doors but also set the stage for long-term success.

"We're transforming the way we work," Frembgen said. "It's exciting to see how far we've come, and we know this is only the beginning."

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